Wednesday, September 10

Summer CSA Week 14

Our friend Chris Burke, a very fine photographer, took this photo in the Garden last week.  Like the hummingbird, we are sipping some mighty fine stuff from the garden here in early autumn.  After the hottest week of the year, these more seasonal temperatures feel good, and the fall crops really appreciate them.

Shameless promotion department:  our campaign for funds to finish our greenhouse: 

Indigogo Crowdfunding Campaign

In this weeks share:

3 more pounds of tomatoes!

box of cherry tomatoes

 bag of cilantro!!! (This is a hard crop to grow so that it is ready for harvest on a certain day, but I    finally got it right!)  Cilantro recipes

Asian greens--these are fantastic!....and yet many people did not take them last week.  Sigh.   Saute cloves of garlic in peanut, sesame or olive oil.  Wash greens thoroughly, chop finely into bite-sized ribbons, toss into pan.  Stir until just tender, still slightly crisp.  Serve alone, with a bit of cheese on top, toss with Japanese noodles, or serve over rice.  Delicious, filling, nutrient dense.

Arugula!  Fall arugula is just like early spring arugula--delicious!


garlic and onions

Peaches (not many) pears or apples

At the stand: potaotes, beans (fall crop coming in, should be enough for CSA next week), cauliflower, late corn, baby Japanese eggplant, peppers, some small and tender summer squash.

Tortillas::: These are absolutely fantastic, but the co-op that makes them is experiencing extraordinary growing pains--they were not prepared for the demand and mistakes and gaps in production have occurred.  The ones I received last week were past date by a couple of days.  I found no problems with mine, but a customer noted some mold.  If you bought some last week and were unhappy, please let me know.  Please take a bag when the next fresh batch comes in--likely next week.


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