Wednesday, September 24

Last Week of Summer CSA

Yes, the leaves in low lying areas near the marsh are turning color here and there...some chilly nights have stopped the tomatoes in their tracks.  The rest will ripen, but slowly, and the flavor and texture will be less summery than just the past few weeks.  It sure changes quickly.

This is the last week of the summer CSA; next week starts 6 weeks of the fall share.

Thanks to everyone for your support and participation.  I think it was a great summer for growing vegetables and hope you enjoyed the bounty of a remarkably steady and benevolent season.  You have choices in the region for CSA programs--here at the Garden of Ideas, all produce is distributed to the CSA members or sold at the farm stand.  For that reason, I believe we offer a great amount of vegetables each week.

Our farm stand will continue to be stocked to the end...beautiful lettuces are just coming on, and we'll have beets, turnips, squash, and potatoes as we get deeper into fall.

Free range turkeys will be available.  Let me know if you are interested.

This week we have more ground beef and bacon at the stand.

For those continuing on, see you next week!!!

(The weather looks dreadful tomorrow...sorry!!!!!!!!)

In this week's share:

Some tomatoes
French sorrel: 50 things to do with sorrel
"Red Rain" Mizuna: a fantastic asian mustard, very mild with just a bit of spiciness.  Great crop of it.
 Here's one recipe possibility, but as usual, chopped, sauteed in garlic and oil, perhaps with some tofu....heaven!  Mizuna with garlic and fish sauce
Welsh onions (like spring onions with a hint of nuttiness to them)
Pears or apples
 Perhaps something else but I can't honestly remember....


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