Wednesday, July 9

Summer CSA Week 5

Perfect summer weather continues: cool at night, pleasant in the morning, heat not building until afternoon, rain in the evening!!!  Very nice.

This week is the last of the spring planted lettuce heads.  A hint of bitterness has crept in with the heat, so the timing is perfect.  Varieties planted out the past couple of weeks should handle the heat better.

Some choices are available this week since some items are just coming in so I don't have a full crop yet.  Everything is very good.  More cherries from Red Jacket Orchards this week.  Holy Cow, I think I ate 3 quarts today!

At the stand: the cukes are coming in--next week they should be in the share.
Grew a small patch of fava beans! Nice and fresh.
Scllions/small onions
Green garlic
Water buffalo yogurt
Whole cream on top milk
Chocolate milk--this stuff disappears fast
Red Jacket juices

In this week's share:

1 head lettuce
Senposai or pac choi!  Great basic recipe for all Chinese cabbages
Beets OR carrots OR red dragon beans
White Russian Kale or Swiss Chard--lots of kale recipes
Garlic chives--Garlic chive pesto!
1 giant zucchini (great for stuffing or grilling) or 2 normal sized

Great zucchini recipe:

1 lb. zucchini or squash (about 2 medium-sized)
1/4 cup shredded parmesan (heaping)
1/4 cup Panko breadcrumbs (heaping)
... 1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
freshly ground pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line two baking sheets with foil and spray lightly with vegetable spray.

Slice zucchini or squash into 1/4 inch-thick rounds. Toss rounds with oil, coating well.

In a wide bowl or plate, combine breadcrumbs, parmesan, salt and pepper.

Place rounds in parmesan-breadcrumb mixture, coating both sides of each round, pressing to adhere. The mixture will not completely cover each round, but provides a light coating on each side.

Place rounds in a single layer on baking sheets. Sprinkle any remaining breadcrumb mixture over the rounds.

Bake for about 22 to 27 minutes, until golden brown. (There is no need to flip them during baking -- they crisp up on both sides as is.)

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