Wednesday, June 25

Summer CSA Week 3!!!

Great weather continues for all sorts of things: hot enough for the tomatoes and peppers, not too hot for the greens!!!

In this week's share:

2 baby summer squash--tender and delicious!!!!!  Lots more to follow!!!!!!

Garlic scapes--last week!!!

2 heads of lettuce--isn't it amazing!!!???

Parsley--big enough bunch for a wonderful pesto

Senposai--an awesome cross between cabbage and komatsuna, tender and sweet.  My lunch this week has been the following: chop garlic scapes, toss into hot olive oil; chop Senposai, including stems, toss into oil and garlic scapes; saute for 5 or 6 minutes with salt and pepper; put into a bowl, lightly top with Parmesan cheese, eat!  If you need something more substantial, toss over rice or beans or pasta; or do this:  Burger wrapped in Senposai!!!!!!

Scallions--use all the greens--it's all good!!!!!!!

Strawberries from Red Jacket Orchard!  Amazing.

At the stand, Strawberry Jam!!!!!!!

Eat well!!!

Wednesday, June 18

Summer CSA Week 2

What a difference a week makes!

Summer, finally, with temperatures a bit shocking after all that cold and wet, but no complaints here!!!!Peppers and tomatoes look happy, though they have some catching up to do.  Eggplant may be a lost cause.  Had baby zucchini for lunch today!!!!  You'll get it next week!  Perfection.  We finally have a good looking crop of carrots on the way, beans look great, cukes should take off with this weather, we'll be having scallions, baby onions, and onions for many weeks after this.

Transplanted pac choi, kale, lettuce, kohlrabi and chard this morning.  Seeded more lettuce mix, asian greens, and spinach.

I'm sure you've learned by now: wash the lettuce very well!!!!! All the lettuce heads we have harvested and will be harvesting come from three successive plantings earlier in spring.  After each one, we had very heavy rainfalls, so that dirt bounced up into the stem joints of all of our lettuce.  The only way to get it out is to wash thoroughly.  Certainly worth the effort, yes?  My dinner every night for nearly two months now has been a massive salad. 

In this week's share:

2 heads of lettuce
Salad mix
chard or kale or spinach
baby turnips!
garlic scapes---double the amount this week
pea shoots!
pint of strawberries! (I'm out of pint containers, so these are in quart baskets--underwhelming presentation, but they are truly a pint's worth!  And delicious!  From Fingerlakes Family Farms, a wonderful farm.  I ate way too many today.

I have some broccoli at the stand.  Very nice spring for broccoli, and our springs are rarely nice for broccoli, so I don't plant much of it.  I will try a heavy fall planting this year and see how it goes.

Eat well!

Wednesday, June 11

2014 Summer CSA Week 1

Greetings to all summer CSA members new and old!  Summer weather will eventually arrive...yes?  The peppers and eggplant are asking for it, ever so politely!!!

Summer squash is setting fruit, and beans and cucumbers are starting to climb the trellises.  Garlic is sending out its flower stalks, and the tomatoes are slowly gaining ground in the hoop houses.

Weather continues to be perfect for spring crops.

This is the last week for asparagus--yield has been fantastic in year 2 of our planting, and now it's time to give the field a rest.  6 weeks of harvest this year, and next year should allow 8 or more.

Our blueberry patch is taking hold and next year should yield a decent harvest.  The small plants are heavy with fruit right now, but I'm not going to net them this year--the birds will fatten up!

To all newcomers: come tomorrow, Thursday, between 7 and 7.  If you can't make it, let me know--Friday and Saturday are always options.  There will be a list of items to take in either the fridge or on the stand.

In this week's share:

2 heads of lettuce--a huge green butterhead and the red beauty you see in the picture above;

Salad mix, with a bit of radish and watercress microgreens mixed in;

Garlic scapes!!!!!! The flowering stalk of the garlic.  I got them very early this year, right on time, very tender, so use the whole stalk:What to do with garlic scapes!!!

Spinach--what a great spring for this sometimes sensitive green!

Asparagus--this is it for the year!!!  Enjoy!!!

Kohlrabi!!!!!!  Haha!!!  Just about my favorite vegetable!  Great raw with some salt, or try these recipes!  Also, cook the greens!!!!  Delicious!

Rubarb--the last of it.  Stew some with sugar or honey and lemon and put it on vanilla ice cream.

Eat well!!!

Wednesday, June 4

Spring CSA Week 6

Crazy week!

Lots of food!

In this week's share:

Head of Lettuce
Awesome Salad Mix!!!  Finally a good spring for growing a great mix!
Swiss Chard--very tender first cutting of a light green leaf
Asparagus--just keeps coming!
Spring Onions!  Tender and delicious addition to anything you make!
Spinach--flat leaf, tender
Pea Shoots!!!!!! Wow, first good germination all spring!!!! Tender and delicious.  What to do with peas shoots!

Hope you enjoyed the spring share!!!! After a rough start I feel we kicked into high gear.  I'm confident we distrubute the most food of any local CSA!!! All spring members who would like to continue on for summer, let me know.  Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eat Well!!!!!