Wednesday, May 28

2014 Spring CSA Week 5

Things are progressing like clockwork.  Radishes, arugula, asian greens come out, tomatoes go in.  Now, if we'd get some consistent warmth...The cucumbers, peppers and eggplant haven't made much progress since we planted them 2 weeks ago, but the zucchini looks good, the beans have germinated and the next generation of spinach and lettuce are coming on.  Onions, leeks, and garlic love the rain.  We narrowly missed a horrendous hail storm last week--5 miles further east and we may have been wiped out.   First taste of kale or chard this week, the last of the radishes for spring, and likely the peak week for asparagus is now.  I experimented this week by letting a bunch of the asparagus stay in the field until today--some of the heads are nearing flowering, but I just had some, and it remains remarkably tender.  I think it's better than harvesting early and refrigerating.

By the way, our current favorite way of eating  asparagus is to cut it into 1 inch pieces, blanch briefly until tender but still crunchy, plunge into cold water, and toss over out lettuce greens.  Toss with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.

Still time to commit to a party in the Garden!!!!!

Anyone interested in our 4H club: come to the Garden on Saturday at 10 or 2 for information.  Our first formal meeting will be June 7.

The once a month spinning and knitting club is growing and thriving.  What a lovely sight to see a dozen ladies with their colorful yarn projects in the garden on a beautiful May day.

In this week's share:

Chard or kale
Mixed asian greens
Last of the radishes
Garlic chives!!! Delicious!!!! Makes a great pesto. (Feel free to omit the parsley in that recipe for a really punchy pesto!)

Eat well!!!!!

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