Wednesday, November 13

Fall CSA week 6, Finito, the End!

“The sunlight is a peculiarly thin and clear yellow, falling on the pale-brown bleaching herbage of the fields at this season. There is no redness in it. This is November sunlight.”

“Much cold, slate-colored cloud, bare twigs seen gleaming toward the light like gossamer, pure green of pines whose old leaves have fallen, reddish or yellowish brown oak leaves rustling on the hillsides, very pale brown, bleaching, almost hoary fine grass or hay in the fields, akin to the frost which has killed it, and flakes of clear yellow sunlight falling on it here and there, -- such is November.”

“The fine grass killed by the frost, withered and bleached till it is almost silvery, has clothed the fields for a long time. Now, as in the spring, we rejoice in sheltered and sunny places. Some corn is left out still even.”

Thoreau, Nov. 18, 1857

Tough harvest this week, winter having slipped an icy finger upon our spine.  Lots to eat, though, and by tomorrow I'll have it bagged and ready to go.

For the final share of 2013, some combination of the following:

Lettuce and curly endive
Beets or turnips
Squash or cabbage
French sorrel

Thanks for all of your support; 2013 was a good year.  Challenging, as always, but productive and fun.  We continue to learn about growing good food; we hope you've enjoyed the fruits of our labors.

Friends of the Garden of Ideas, the non-profit we started this year to help us support the botanical garden aspect of the Garden, is producing a calender filled with photos we've taken of the garden this past year.  Except for the cost of producing the calender, all proceeds will go to the Friends of the Garden of Ideas, a federally sanctioned 501c-3 charity.  Let me know if you'd like one: cost will be around $22.  I should have it finished by the end of next week.

Thanks again!

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