Wednesday, August 14

Week 11

Yes, finally, enough ripe or almost ripe tomatoes to distribute in the share!  These nights in the 50's don't help (might we hit the 40's tonight!!!)  Not fully ripe tomatoes ripen up quickly on windowsills, or in paper bags or boxes. 

Don't hesitate to try the Cherokee Green tomatoes (one of which made a delightful sandwich for me last week).  They are fantastic.

In this week's share:

3 cucumbers (don't feel obligated to take 3 if you feel it is too much for you)
Head of lettuce
1 1/2 lbs potatoes
1.25 lbs tomatoes or box of mixed smaller tomatoes
Choice of eggplant or peppers or Gator Chard or 2 smaller zucchini
Choice of box of plums or 4 apples (Early Mac or Ginger Gold) from Woodland Farms
Bonus: Take a huge zucchini if you'd like!

A CSA member sent this yummy recipe for peppers: Feta Stuffed Peppers--and we've got Feta at the stand!  Along with a 32 ounce size of the Water Buffalo Yogurt, creamed honey, buckwheat honey, peaches, our first melons and cantaloupes, onions, our small, culled, uncured garlic, whole milk, chocolate milk, heavy cream, cheeses, juices, etc. etc. etc.

See you tomorrow!

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