Wednesday, August 28

Week 13!

Let's skip the formalities; here's this week's share:

3 lbs. tomatoes
3 cucumbers
French Sorrel--my favorite green of many favorites: 50 things to do with sorrel
Pink Passion Chard or Green Kale
3 peppers or 3 asian eggplant
1 humongous zucchini
4 apples or a pint of plums

At the stand: some peaches, chicken and bacon, Maple Syrup Yogurt, first bit of fall arugula, spinach, lettuce mix, a bit of broccoli--we don't grow much of it--and some heads of lettuce (in between plantings right now.)

I may have time to pick through the tomatoes and offer some over-ripe and faulty ones at a buck a pound for anyone who wants to sauce.  Tomato sauce freezes beautifully, and it's easier to do than canning, especially if you're not doing much.  We have a chest freezer that is getting nearly full of sauce and poor man's ratatouille.  I hope to never enter the grocery store this winter.  Which reminds me, Cayuga Pure organic sells 25 lb. bags of various beans if anyone is interested--these get us through the winter.  Let me know.

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