Wednesday, July 10

CSA Week 6

As we head into the heart of summer, the pace picks up.  First summer squash, first beans, first little cucumbers make the list this week.  We're a couple of weeks away from the first heirloom cherry and plum tomatoes, while the big boys are setting beautiful fruit.  The forecast calls for more heat and sun, and the peppers look good and the eggplant has finally recovered from spring setbacks.  We will continue to  have greens throughout the summer.

At the farm stand we have grass fed ground beef, pastured chickens, and some pastured pork bacon.  Sold everything I brought in the last couple of weeks, so keep it up so I can keep it going--feedback has been great.

We have the usual dairy, along with some goat milk and heavy cream.

No fruit in the share this week, but there are still some sweet cherries and now some sour!  Blueberries and peaches will soon follow.

We had a wonderful crowd for the benefit on the 4th--thanks to all CSA members who came!!!

In this week's share:

1.  Head of lettuce
2.  Bag o' beans (red dragon or green)
3.  1 large zucchini, or 2 smaller, or 3 cukes (for eating or pickling!), or radishes
4.  Chard or lettuce-like mustard (don't pass it up--fantastic!)
5.  Red chinese cabbage--chop it up, saute it in olive oil, salt, pepper, maybe a bit of lemon or honey or soy sauce...delicious!
6. Basil or chives...great, flavorful basil right crop in years!
7. Spring onions--primo!

Have a bit of basil/kale/mustard micro greens, some red and green cabbage, and parsley as well.

See you tomorrow!

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