Wednesday, May 1

2013 Spring Csa Week 2!!!!!

The good: plenty of sun and warmer temps are kicking things into high gear.

The bad: it is very, very, very dry...I've never had to water so much in April.

The ugly: Nothing!  It's spring!

In this week's share:  Please take (read: must take!): salad mix (tender!) and pea shoots;

Choose 4 of the following: Mixed asian greens, baby spinach, arugula, Senposai (also spelled Semposai) which is a delightful cross of cabbage and komatsuna, french sorrel, heads of baby lettuce, and chives.

The Senposai is delicious raw, added to salads, or very briefly sauteed with garlic, salt and pepper.  Very high in antioxidants and vitamin C.

We've been having risotto with french sorrel often.  Simply chop up the sorrel and toss it into the risotto during its last couple of minutes of cooking.  Do the same with the pea shoots!

Pea shoots and sorrel also make great pestos--simply swap them for basil.

I'm harvesting asparagus tomorrow morning--it's not in the share, because not enough of it is ready for will be at the stand most days now--first come, first serve.  It is spectacular and tastes nothing like what you get from California.

I've brought in spelt berries from Cayuga Pure Organics in the Fingerlakes.  Really great source of protein with a great taste.  Try them, and try the beans!!!!  We practically lived on these beans all winter, in conjunction with what vegetables we canned and froze.

Lots of green stuff this week, but the radishes, turnips, beets, and kohlrabi are coming on strong...if I can keep up with the water!

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