Wednesday, October 24
Autumn Week 3
It's been a bit wet to leap into leaf piles this fall...but all the vegetables surely like the warm and gentle rains.
In this weeks' share:
1 bunch spring onions (use the entire onion, even the green parts--these are not your store bought green onions! )
Swiss chard--keep it simple! We've had a heavy and a light frost so far--leafy greens respond to the frost by getting sweeter! The chard is delicious.
Arugula--likewise. Arugula develops a far more complex flavor after frost, more than just the spicy bite in spring. In salads, we love it tossed with freshly shaved parmesan, olive oil, salt and pepper. It also makes a zesty pesto!
Pea shoots. Anyone new to the fall share may be new to these wonderful shoots. Here's just a sample of what can be done with them: Fun with pea shoots! Our 7 year old eats them by the handful. Chop finely, then toss them in risotto near the end of cooking. Chop and add to salad. And on it goes...
1 squash--acorn or butternut or spaghetti.
Carrots--mostly purple, some yellow...delicious! They respond sweetly to the frost as well, and have been enjoying the rain.
Choice of salad mix, baby spinach, dinosaur kale, or baby bok choi.
People have been enthusing about Appleridge bacon, and we have more at the stand! We may have more chicken by tomorrow, too.
Of the Arethusa Cheeses, I've got Camembert, Rotondo, and Europa.
I let some of the lovely Harukei turnips get large, and pulled them today. Great for roasting!
A few bags of giant red mustard are there for any brave souls.
Honeycrisp apples from Red Jacket Orchard! Fantastic!
Hope to see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 17
Fall Week 2
The first frost of the season came right on time this year, but it was an especially harsh one, a shade under 27 degrees. Everything still in the ground came through beautifully, so we live to feed you another week! The dahlias weren't so lucky.
In this week's share:
2 Delicata or 1 Kabocha squash; scroll down the blog--I've got recipes for each somewhere...they are both fantastic squashes, and these are my last of these squashes for the year. I've got acorn, butternut, and buttercup coming next.
1 Napa last for the CSA this year...will have a few more at the stand over the next couple of weeks...This cabbage is wonderful, and I hope you agree. It is versatile and tasty, and we use it 2 or 3 times each week. I recently bought "The Art of Fermentation", and this cabbage will soon become my first fermented sauerkraut!
Arugula or Beets...frost does magical things to many greens, and arugula is no exception...I find a bit of smokiness in the post-frost flavor.
Salad mix--great fall crop, should have it through the entire fall share.
1 1/2 pounds potatoes
4 white onions
4 apples (Macoun, Cortland, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Empire) or pears (Bosc).
Wednesday, October 10
Autumn: Week 1
Harvest days are usually Tuesday and Wednesday, and it was not a pleasant task this week! You may find some mud on some of the produce...This afternoon, however, the sun broke through, and tomorrow looks to be a great day. Welcome to all the new CSA members, and to all the returning spring and summer members. It's a good share to start the season, and includes the following:
2 Delicata squash and 1 acorn or butternut squash;
1 bag of Super Salad mix or 1 bag of spinach;
1 bag of arugula or 1 bag of dinosaur kale;
1 bag of French Sorrel;
1 bunch of French breakfast radishes;
1 head of Napa Cabbage
At the stand, we finally have Appleridge Bacon. We have visitors from Oregon staying in the Guest House, and they raved about the bacon yesterday. There are also some roasts and other cuts.
We also have beets, potatoes, quince, apples, garlic, Arethusa dairy, Rotundo and Camembert cheeses, the last of the jalapeno peppers, and tomatillos. Things are growing well, but frost is lurking...the average first frost date for our part of Connecticut is October 15, and here we are! Last year we didn't have a frost until Snowtober...let's hope we avoid that this year.
Thanks for all of your support, and welcome to the Autumn CSA.
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Wednesday, October 3
Week 18!!!! Last week of summer share!!!
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.
John Keats
The days fly by, don't they? To all summer share members not joining us in the fall, thank you so much for your support. We succeeded with many things this year, and failed at a few (uh, anyone notice the lack of carrots???), and are assured of enough profits that we can expand comfortably next year. We couldn't do it without you. We hope you return next year.
In the meantime, the final summer share:
4 apples (Gala, Fuji, Cortland, Yellow Delicious) or Bosc pears;
Bubblegum Swiss Chard (Super easy and delicious and beautiful recipe!)
Choice of 1 squash (Spaghetti, kobacha, butternut)
Arugula or Kale
Super Salad Mix
Onions or tomatillos or watermelon radishes
1 1/2 lbs potatoes (they're getting bigger!)
Bonus: 4 garlic
We may have bacon from Hans tomorrow. Arethusa milk and Rotundo cheese. A few napa cabbages left! (More in next week's share.) Eggs back in stock. The last of the tomatoes and still some green tomatoes.
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