Wednesday, July 25


82 frost free days left!

Even though the Dog Days continue, even though crickets and katydids sing their sumer songs, that means crops that will mature as it cools will be planted over the next couple of weeks: spinach, kale, chard, spring onions, beets, turnips, carrots, kohlrabi, and the like.  We got the heirloom tomatoes in so late this year, we are only now starting to harvest, and they should produce until frost, and the peppers have recovered nicely from deer browsing and are producing at last.  Should be a banner eggplant year.

Pictured above are the 350 asparagus plants we put in this year on the acre and a half we added last fall.     
They will produce asparagus for next spring's CSA members.  

In this week's share:

Green beans
Summer salad mix with radish micro greens
1 1/2 lbs. potatoes
Chard or beets or eggplant
Choice of quarts of donut peaches, plums, apricots, or peaches

Grass-fed cow butter is back in!!!

Lou D'llasandro of North Salem grows wonderful corn, and we have it at the farm stand!  We eat it every night.

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