Sunday, September 25

CSA Summer Harvest Week Seventeen

As you might imagine, these gloomy gray muggy warmish days are not great for the fall harvest. We're certainly not growing any crops that benefit from this weather, although I have heard it's the best mushroom year in the northeast in a long time. I can believe it.

For cultivated crops regionwide, there are big challenges this autumn. Pumpkins and winter squash are in early, and suffer from reduced shelf life due to the fungal-positive weather. The high level of moisture in the air adversely affects many leaf crops including lettuce and spinach. Apples and pears deterioriate faster than in a normal year.

But the weeks are passing quickly. And the rain will end. Time to take our soil tests, add minerals, and consider our management strategies going forward. Time to plant garlic. Spring is just around the corner!

Next week is the last distribution of the summer share. The fall share commences two weeks later and our farm stand will remain open through Thanksgiving. Hope you've enjoyed the food.

In this week's share:

1) one tub goat feta cheese from Butterfield Farm in Granby, CT. Yum!
2) shallots: They look like miniature onions with dark tan skins. Even though shallots may be similar to an onion, they are definitely not the same. In other words, they are not baby onions. They tend to be sweet so one or two finely chopped shallots are usually all that is needed to flavor recipes. They tend to merry well with dishes that call for white wine, cream and butter. To cook, saute them slowly. Although shallots caramelize like onions, they overcook easily. It is important to saute them slowly over low heat or else you risk the chance that you overcook them, resulting in a bitter taste instead of sweet.
3) one acorn squash: ten recipes
4) one bag french beans: choose green haricots verts or mixed colors
5) one pound heirloom tomatoes
6) farmstand item(s) of your choice totalling around $6.00. Choices include: eggplant, ground cherries, peppers, hakurei turnips, concord grapes, collard greens, Red Jacket juices, Arethusa products, apples, pears, kale microgreens, duck eggs. Delivery customers will receive hakurei turnips and peppers unless they request otherwise by Thursday 10am.

See you tomorrow!

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