Wednesday, September 14

CSA Summer Harvest Week Fifteen

Hello all:

I was in Florida for a few days this past week for my grandmother's 91st birthday. Apologize for late hour and no advance preview. See you tomorrow!


In this week's share:

1) CHOICE: white japanese salad turnips OR winterbor kale. The japanese turnips (aka Hakurei turnips) are a golf-ball-sized turnip with greens. They can be eaten raw, but they are great sauteed with a bit of butter and salt. Not your average turnip. Winterbor kale has ruffled edge and traditional kale flavor.
2) CHOICE: one eggplant OR one bag haricots verts (french green beans). We have several varieties of eggplants featuring different skin colors but similar flavors. The beans are simple perfection.
3) one bell pepper and one corno di toro (horn of the bull) pepper - both sweet. The Corno di Toro is an attractive elongated fruit with excellent flavor.
4) one butternut squash: And the winter squash begin rolling in. Sweet nutty flavor. Here are eight things to do with it.
5) one clamshell ground cherries: these unique small fruits are fun to try. Imagine tomato mixed with pineapple in a small package. Interesting flavor: some love it, others hate it. Peel off outer husk to eat. Add to salad, dip in chocolate....Read more.
6) two pounds heirloom tomatoes: they are winding down, so enjoy....
7) two bartlett pears: grown sustainably by Woodland Farm in Glastonbury, CT. Not organic.

1 comment:

  1. Ilsa, so glad for you that you got to ejoy your grandmother's birthday with her! My grandmother died last week, but I did go visit her in August and think it's important to take advantage of those times together!
