Thursday, June 2

Spring Harvest Share Survey

Now, that spring harvest share is over, we request any suggestions for improvements. Please do so in comments below.

Here are a few things people have mentioned. Feel free to second.

1) Label crops - we don't know what they are.
2) Earlier notice of share contents.
3) Love the recipes.

Thanks again for your support of our farming endeavors!


  1. I think this past harvest season was awesome and your variety allows me to try foods I never tried before. My one question would be regarding exchanges. Do you package the exact number of quantity for each item relative to the number of CSA participants? I didn't want to short change a fellow CSAr by taking two of one item and none of another.

    Thank you to you and your staff and I look forward to the next harvest.

    Sue Coyle

  2. I thought I would reiterate an interest in labeling the various bags of crops as mentioned in previous "sample suggestions". As an newcomer to many of the Garden's offerings, it would be helpful to the education process - and to anyone I might ask to reach in the fridge for a bag of .....

    Thanks for great spring!

  3. Love the variety, love the introduction to other local farms' products. Having a great time learning what to do with it all...
