Wednesday, May 25

CSA Spring Harvest Week Six

This is the final week for spring share harvest. We hope you've enjoyed all the fresh local and regional food. We thank you for your support. Although spring shares are wrapping up, many of you will continue on with a summer share. And we hope others will keep visiting us at our farm stand. Please note that there is a week break between the seasons: no distribution next week 6/2.

This has been a wet spring. And many area farms have struggled to get their crops in the ground and growing. Why haven't we? Mostly because we are not mechanized. Larger farms do their fieldwork with tractors, which will damage wet soils. Let the ground dry and the sun shine for a while.

Summer's almost here! And on that note....drumroll....

In this week's share:

1) TOMATOES!: no, not grown by us, but grown in Connecticut. March Farms in Bethlehem has an amazing greenhouse operation. We've been bringing in their early tomatoes for several years now. The taste, while not as breathtaking as later field/home grown tomatoes, is exceptional. They are not certified organic, but we find their practices to be sustainable. Share is one large and one small tomato - approx. 1-1/4 lbs
2) one bunch asparagus: certifed organic from Pedersen Farms. Gotta enjoy it during the short season. Here are some recipes.
3) one bag springalicious salad mix
4) one bag bourdeaux spinach: this beautiful spinach has lance-shaped leaves with burgundy stems. A lovely spring treat, very challenging to grow as heat hits.
5) one bag pea shoots: Want to eat seasonally? Peas = spring. We think the pea shoots are possibly better than peas. so fresh, so elegant looking, good raw of cooked.
6) one box arugula microgreens: another crop that doesn't perform wonderfully as the temperature heats up. These microgreens make a great stand-alone salad with a bit of olive oil and lemon. Or they can be added to your salad mix or sandwich!

See you tomorrow!

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