Wednesday, April 30

Week 1 Spring 2014 CSA

Haha.  The past 10 days have been a cruel joke.  Everything stopped in its tracks since last we talked.  Today is absolutely the last day with a hint of March to it. about February!!! When you eat your fiddleheads, think of Tio and me hunched over in the rain, cutting ferns at ground level in the rain at 39 degrees this morning!!! April 30.  T.S. Eliot knew some things.

So this is a light week.  Chives. I eat chives nearly every day and I will live to be 120!!!!
French Sorrel.  Sorrel is an amazing plant!!!!
 Red Ball Radishes.  Make soup with the radish tops! It is really really good!
  A handful of fiddleheads.  Fiddleheads are wonderful!

 I was hoping for microgreens and pea shoots, but they literally

I was hoping for asparagus.  Spears were just below the surface 10 days ago.  They've barely broken the surface now.

Next week.

The hoop houses are verdant with baby foliage that will be harvested next week: arugula, spinach, asian greens...

The onion sets have sprouted.

Seeds I sowed outside 10 days ago that should have germinated in 3 or 4 days have not germinated yet.  We planted a thousand transplants outside 10 days ago;  haven't seen much growth.  Some.  Not much.

But the 10 day forecast is a thing of beauty.  And as Mr. Keats said, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."

So bear with me in this winter of our discontent, as Richard III--or was it Francis Underwoood?--once said.

At the farm stand:

Ithaca whole milk, chocolate milk, cream
Water buffalo Yogurt in 2 sizes
Eggs!!! Brown or Ameracauna(blue)
Muranda blue cheese
Organic Polenta from Cayuga Pure Organics
Organic black chick peas and organic purple barley
Red Jacket Juices